IAAP Certification Program
Analytic Training Programs
There are two training programs offered by the JPA. The first is for those interested in becoming a Jungian analyst but do not need New York State licensing and leads to certification in IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology). The second is for those without a license and leads to certification as a licensed psychoanalyst (LP) in New York State, as well as certification in IAAP.
Following your preliminary discussion with the Director of Training, please download and fill out the form to apply to the JPA’s programs:
Admission form for Fall 2025
IAAP Certification Program
Analytic Training Program
The JPA trains a number of qualified candidates in the theory and practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis. Through rigorous classes, community lectures and colloquia, private tutorials and supervised clinical practice, we educate and prepare candidates for their professional lives and practice as psychoanalysts.
Overview of the Program
Class structure
There are 33 weeks of coursework divided into three 11-week trimesters per year.
Each trimester is composed of ten classes, plus one community required clinical evening per trimester. This meeting also serves as a course feedback mechanism and an opportunity to engage the full body of candidates and faculty. Classes are usually held Monday evenings in New York City, divided into 3 class periods.
The trimester-long academic courses in the JPA curriculum are of three types, each typically occurring in one of the time periods. Of primary importance is a series of Jung Reading courses. The total series is four years in length, and is required for all candidates. This class cycle endeavors to cover all of Jung’s major works. After the fourth year of this cycle candidates may continue to take courses in this series as the content of the fourth year course will rotate amongst relevant topics in the Jungian corpus.
The second type of class includes all of the areas of proficiency, and may include Jung volumes. This category includes courses on general psychological theory, mythology, sciences, history, psychopathology, and clinical technique, among others.
Finally, for two of the three trimesters per year, candidates engage in a content-driven Case Seminar of a minimum of eight trimesters. Licensed Trainees are required to participate in case seminar throughout their training.
Colloquia and Practica
An on-going Dream Practicum is offered throughout a candidate’s participation in the program. These practica are held on 2 Sundays per trimester (6 per year), from 10 AM – 4 PM, and are taught or co-taught by different instructors.
Community Colloquia Weekends are held 3 times per year and are required throughout the program. The Friday to Sunday autumn and spring trimester colloquia are held at the Beekman Arms/Delamater Conference Center in Rhinebeck New York or a similar location. They include theoretical and clinical lectures, presentations of works-in-progress, seminars with visiting scholars or analysts, and community affairs. The winter Colloquium is on a Sunday and is held in New York City.
It is important that all candidates keep in mind that since the JPA is constantly refining its training program and since the nature of a learning community is one that engages in ongoing development, certain aspects of this curriculum may change over time.
Admissions Guidelines
The JPA invites applications for training from individuals with a graduate degree, Master’s level or higher, from a registered degree-granting program in New York State or another recognized program. A degree in a mental health discipline is preferred, but applications from potentially qualified individuals with a graduate degree in other disciplines will be considered.
The JPA requires: 50 hours of Jungian analysis, with an IAAP certified Jungian Analyst prior to the May 1st Application deadline. These hours may be counted toward the 300 hours of Jungian analysis required for graduation from the JPA program. However, regardless of previous analytic hours, AITs must be in Jungian analysis during their entire training with the JPA.
The JPA prefers, but does not require: prior experience in the mental health field, preferably supervised experience as a psychotherapist.
Admissions Process
To apply for training with the JPA, first please contact Ilana Storace, MAPCC, NCPsyA, L.P., Director of Admissions, to schedule a preliminary interview. She can be reached at: [email protected] or at 973-841-7122.
The preliminary interview will establish if the applicant is qualified and whether an application would be appropriate. If so, the applicant will fill out a form and return it to the coordinator.
The Director then establishes a panel of three JPA analysts who meet individually with the applicant. Upon recommendation by the panel that the applicant be considered for admission, the applicant is invited to participate in a portion of one of our weekend colloquium meetings, to give the applicant a sense of the learning community in action. The panel makes the final decision about acceptance after that meeting.
If the Admissions panel decides that it is advisable, it may require an applicant to complete additional preparation and/or submit additional materials prior to admission to the training program.
If the applicant is accepted, then 2 of the three members of the admissions panel, plus one other analyst chosen by the candidate during the first year of study becomes his/her advising committee. The advising committee follows and works with the candidate for the length of the program, serving as an advising, mediating and support group for the candidate.
Individuals who have already completed part of another IAAP training program and who wish to apply to the JPA IAAP Certification program will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Much of their course work would be transferable.
The JPA administers its admissions policy without regard to race, religion, national origin, marital status, age, sex, or sexual orientation, as well as without regard to a person’s disability as designated by applicable law.
Below are the details to apply for admission to the JPA IAAP Certification program for the Fall of 2025.
- By May 1st 2025: complete a preliminary interview with the Admissions Coordinator, Submit an application form, a curriculum vitae, graduate degree transcripts, and $150 application fee (mailing information on form), Complete 3 interviews with individual members of the Admissions Group.
- Attendance of the Closing event on June 16th 2025.
- On or around June 1st 2025, the Applicants will be notified as to their admission to the program.
The JPA will hold a Virtual Open House regarding its Training Programs, details TBA. (Zoom link will be posted on the website/events & conferences section.)
Assessment is seen as an ongoing dialogue between the candidate and his/her Advisors, faculty members, and supervisor. It focuses on professional competence, mastery of the theory and clinical practices outlined in the curriculum, as well as the development of the capacity to work symbolically. It takes place within three basic venues: immediate “point-of-contact” between candidate and faculty including a minimum of one meeting per trimester with a candidate’s primary Advisor, an oral or written examination, and a graduation project. Upon admission to the program, 2 of the three of a candidate’s original Admissions Committee are assigned as his/her on-going Advisory Committee. These 2 are augmented by a third analyst chosen by the candidate during their first year.
One of these advisors shall be selected to become the candidate’s primary Academic Advisor. The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to help keep track, along with the candidate, of what courses have been taken and may be needed, and what supervision hours completed, to participate in mediation should unusual circumstances arise, and to function as an all-purpose guidance group throughout training. In the learning community model, the Advisory Committee serves as the primary source of information and advisement and given its excellent knowledge of the candidate, it can serve as well as a critical feedback mechanism for areas that need attention.
Point-of-contact assessments are on-going discussions between a candidate and his/her instructors and supervisors that focus on areas of proficiency and on areas where additional learning is necessary. These assessments remain between candidate and faculty member, i.e., in the context in which they arise. While an end-of-class summary meeting is desirable as a focused period of reflection, point-of-contact assessment is meant to be on-going so that candidates may benefit immediately from faculty feedback.
Written summaries are available to the candidate upon request, and a notation of satisfactory final assessment in each class is necessary for credit to be accrued. As well, candidate evaluations of each class are gathered in both individual written form and community-wide in-person meetings.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate their understanding and competency of Jungian psychoanalytic theory and practice. This is done via a comprehensive exam. The examination may be either oral or written, at the candidate’s discretion, and may be taken at any time during training, also at the candidate’s discretion.
When the candidate feels ready to take the examination, and has discussed it with the Advisory Committee, he/she shall notify the Director of Training who shall help the candidate form his/her Exam Committee. This committee shall be comprised of one person (selected by the candidate) from the candidates’ Advisory Committee, one person assigned by the DoT from the JPA Exam Committee Panel and a final analyst selected by the candidate from amongst the body of JPA Analysts.
While the form of the Exam is left open for the candidate to develop with their Exam Committee, the content is expected to show mastery of the 7 major thematic areas presented in the catalogue. These are: Symptom and Symbol Formation, Fields of Psychological Process, Theory and Practice of Dreams, Transformational Systems, Mythopoeisis and Mythologems, Psyche-Soma Conjunctions, and Analytic Attitude and Techniques.
Each area should be covered both with a discussion of relevant Jungian theory and illustrated with clear clinical examples of these theoretical stances in application. Many examinations include a degree of reflection on the part of the candidate concerning what proficiencies a graduated analyst should have. The exam thus comprises the candidate’s manifestation of these proficiencies in theory and practice.
The candidate’s exam committee is encouraged to operate in a consensual style in its review of the exam. A candidate may be asked to rewrite portions of the exam at the request of the committee members. The goal of the exam is for everyone to be satisfied with the experience as a constructive part of becoming an analyst as well as a manifestation of analytic knowledge and practice.
In the event that the committee is unable to come to a consensual determination, the matter may be referred to the Training Committee for further discussion and, if necessary, a final decision.
The Graduation Project
The Final Project is an original project or paper, developed in conjunction with an advisor, and a member of the Consultation/Advising Panel. Its purpose is to demonstrate and provide an opportunity for the integration of a candidate’s development and work. Candidates are encouraged to explore in small groups or individually, an aspect of the curriculum that is of particular interest to them. Faculty consultation is encouraged and given throughout this intensive study. When the candidate, advisor, and Consultation/Advising Panel member consider the project complete, it is presented to the entire training community.
In preparing to develop the final project, the candidate notifies the Director of Training that he/she is ready, and the Project Committee is formed. This committee is comprised, like the Exam Committee, of one analyst chosen from the candidates’ advisory committee, one assigned from the JPA Project Committee, and a final analyst also selected by the candidate from the JPA body. Any of these may serve as the primary reader/advisor to the candidate.
The parameters of the final project are quite open as to form and content. It comprises the opportunity to delve deeply into an area of theory and practice that the candidate feels drawn to, and then to present this work to the community as a whole. Although envisioned as a much more openly creative process than the Exam, the candidate may be asked to rewrite portions at the request of the committee. Once the committee approves, the candidate may request a date for its presentation at a JPA Colloquium.
Every effort is made for this process to be a consensual one, with differences worked out in discussion amongst the committee members and the candidate. In the event that this is not possible, the matter may be referred to the Training Committee for discussion and/or final decision.
The Training Committee shall be informed no later than one month before the colloquium of presentation that the candidate is ready to present his/her work to the community. The presentation itself is intended to be a demonstration of readiness for graduation and a contribution to the on-going programs and development of the JPA learning community.
Mediation of Unusual Circumstances: In cases where there is a strong difference of opinion or perception between a faculty member and a candidate regarding the work of the candidate, a mediation session is convened. The purpose of mediation is to enlarge the understanding of the training issues involved and to discuss solutions to the training issues raised. The mediation committee will consist of the candidate, the instructor or supervisor, a member of the Consultation/Advising Panel, and a faculty member of the candidate’s choosing. Should the mediation committee fail to resolve the issues raised, the matter will be referred to the Steering Committee of the JPA for review and consideration. The JPA training program reserves the right to ask a candidate to leave the program should his/her competence prove unsatisfactory.
Note: candidates may take a leave-of-absence should circumstances warrant. This is granted in conjunction with a candidate’s Consultation/Advising Panel, and approved by the Steering Committee.
If a candidate does not attend a given class or event, he/she will not receive credit (make-ups or emergency absences may be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor).
- The completion of coursework for the IAAP Certification Program.
- The completion of a minimum of 300 hours of Jungian analysis with an IAAP analyst.
- Clinical Supervision: The IAAP Certification Program – The completion of a minimum of 260 clock-hours of clinical supervision with a JPA member Jungian analyst. Of those clock-hours, 88 are Control supervision with a different JPA analyst. (Candidates must be in supervision throughout their training.)
- The completion of 750 clock-hours of supervised clinical work.
- Passage of the Examination in Areas of Proficiency.
- Completion and presentation of the Graduation Project to the JPA community.
Note: All graduates receive the same credential upon graduation regardless of licensure eligibility or credentials upon enrollment.
The JPA office is located at 139 Fulton St, Suite 612, New York, NY 10038.
Mailing address: 105 East 34th Street #192, New York, NY 10016.
Seminars and classes are also held online and in-person in the professional offices of analyst members. Our 3-day intensive weekend colloquia in the fall and spring will be our only in-person events, held each year in Rhinebeck, NY, at Delamater conference center. The winter Colloquium will be held virtually.
Resources and Libraries
Included in tuition is membership to two institutions that specialize in Jungian studies:
- The Kristine Mann Library, located in the C. G. Jung Center at 28 East 39th Street, NYC 10016: “Focused on the work of Carl Gustav Jung, the Kristine Mann Library is well known as an important and accessible resource for Jungian studies. The Library, established in the 1940′s by the Analytical Psychology Club of New York, collects and catalogs books, papers, journals, audiovisuals and other materials by and about C.G. Jung and others in the field of Jungian psychology. The KML collection also includes materials in related areas of study, such as Eastern and Western religions, alchemy, mythology, symbolism, the arts, anthropology, psychoanalysis and general psychology.” (quoted from the KML website)
- The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) also located at the C. G. Jung Center which is “a unique pictorial archive of mythological and symbolic images. The collection includes more than 16,000 images that illustrate the occurrence of archetypal themes across the world’s cultures. The images are catalogued, annotated, and cross-referenced to enable consultation.” (quoted from the ARAS website.)
The curriculum focuses on a spectrum of ideas and methods of therapeutic action based upon the view that Jungian analysis and theories of psychological process are applicable throughout development and are relevant to the entire spectrum of psychopathology and psychological experience. Clinical and archetypal disciplines are understood from an integrated perspective, which assumes and explicates the resonance among models of personality structures, transference paradigms, symbolization, and constructivist narratives. This approach brings the interactive alchemical model of the transformation available through analysis into conscious focus. The curriculum is compatible with, and informed by, the contemporary understanding of depth psychological process as unfolding with this interactive field, which reflects the psyche in both its multiplicity and unity.
As with all professional training curricula, the JPA program integrates theory and practice, with readings, courses and seminars organized around major themes and areas of proficiency which in turn form the basis of a mid-program examination (see below). Courses are designed to reach across the demarcations of areas of proficiency; any given course may cover several areas. A sample of courses is provided below. The elements of the curriculum – focused Case Seminars, content courses, colloquia for the entire training community, and with visiting analysts and scholars – encourages the culture of a learning community. A shared sensibility emerges that allows for a deep appreciation of the multiple layers of the life narrative, both historical and symbolic, literal and metaphoric, existential and mythopoeic, as these emerge in the unique experience of each participant.
Areas of Proficiency
1. Symptom and Symbol Formation
- Psychopathology: Causation and Telos
- Teleology in Jungian Analysis and Psychic Process: Source Works in Contemporary Literature
- Numinosity and Creativity in Analytic and Developmental Traditions: Relative Uses of Illusion, Fiction, and Image
2. Fields of Psychological Process
a. Intrapsychic: Complexes, Dreams, Defenses, Character Structures
b. Interpersonal
c. Transferential
d. Community/Group/Culture
e. Transpersonal:
- Jung’s Clinical Vignettes: From the Collected and Uncollected Works
- Dissolve and Coagulate: Complexes, Dissociability, Organization, and Dissociation
- The Archetype: Historical, Classical, Dynamic, and Contemporary Interpretations
- The Cultural Unconscious
- Jungian Hermeneutics and Semiotics
- Four years of Dream Practicum, which covers dream theory, applications of various approaches to dreams, hermeneutics, active imagination and other imaginal techniques, field theory, symbol formation, mythopoesis, as well as aspects of relevant neuroscientific and psychological literature.
3. Transformational Systems: Images and Applications
- Alchemy and Mysterium
- Gnosticism
- Creation and Dissolution of Consciousness
- From Africa to Alchemy: Egyptian States of Mind
- Contemporary Jungian Discourse
- Psychic Reality and States of Mind: Interpretive Modes of Imagination
4. Mythopoesis and Mythologems
- Mythologems and Their Psychodynamic Applications
- Creation of Consciousness: Personality Structures and Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theories as Modern Mythologems
5. Psyche-Soma Conjunctions
- Neuroscientific Literature on the Nature of Mind and Psyche
- Individuation and Its Manifestation: The Various Relationships to Psyche’s Objectivity
- Symbol/Psyche/Body
6. Analytic Attitude and Techniques
- The Depth Dimension of Analytic Ethics
- Amplification and Active Imagination
- The Question of Technique in Jungian Psychoanalysis
- Amplification, Interpretation, and the Transferential Field
- Survey of Techniques in Jung’s Collected Works
- Clinical Supervision: The Current Literature
Full-time attendance is considered to be 35 units per year. A breakdown of the program’s cost is below. Fees for analysis and supervision are approximate and will vary among analysts. (All fees are subject to change). This program is for licensed mental health professionals who wish to be trained and certified as Jungian psychoanalysts. The JPA does not offer any financial assistance at this time.
Application Fee | $150 |
Course fees for 4 years (120 units at $100 per unit) | $12,000 |
Tuition fees: $1800 per year for 4 years (includes 48 units of required colloquia) | $7,200 |
Private supervision: 140 clock-hours at $60 per hour | $8,400 |
Control supervision: 58 clock-hours at $60 per hour | $3,500 |
Analysis: 300 clock-hours at $150 per hour | $45,000 |
Total estimated cost for IAAP Certification Program, based on 4 years of full time attendance: | $75,750.00 |
Refund policy: A candidate is able to withdraw from a class up through the second week of a trimester and receive an 80 percent refund of course fees. There are no refunds of course fees after the second week. There are no refunds of the tuition fee which includes community Colloquia Weekends.
Cost of books: It is hoped that candidates will already have or will acquire the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, as this collections forms the basis for our core curriculum, as well as being essential reading for a professional career as a Jungian Psychoanalyst. However, no one is required to buy books. Most of the assigned reading for classes can be found at the Kristine Mann Library or can be borrowed from faculty if necessary.
Financial Aid: At this time we do not offer any financial aid.